Finding online resources

One of the best things you can do your life is change your media habits. Pretty much everything that is mainstream, is not going to help you on your walk:

  • TV Shows and Movies: all about crime and punishment, health crisis, drama of people hurting other people, or witchcraft.
  • Social Media: all about ego, pride, hate, and cruelty.
  • News: all about getting motivating people to move to the political extremes through outrage and offense.

Instead, what if people uses these mediums for good and to spread the Good News? You have to look for a bit, but in small pockets, there is a lot of great content out there!


One of the easiest places to start in modern day is to look for online church. On YouTube search for “church service” or “Christian church“. As discussed over in How to find a Church?, there are some known-bad actors here that you should avoid. I mention it because they are the biggest on YouTube and they are the ones you are going to find first. Some examples: Joel Osteen or Lakewood Church, Elevation Church, Bethel, OWN (Oprah’s channel), Hillsong.

These are all “prosperity gospel” Churches that aren’t really Biblical. For more, see: False Teachings.

NOTE: I now know that teachers like Andy Stanley or Joyce Meyer are not proper, but they both contributed to me “getting in the door”. You shouldn’t fully, 100% trust any pastor. You should be doing your own reading and studying. So, if you don’t get it right; if you find a pastor that speaks to you, but later it turns out to be them preaching a false message – take the good from it, stop watching them and move on. There is no such thing as a perfect, trustworthy pastor. There are just people who are hopefully, honestly trying to share the Word. Sometimes they don’t get it right.

With that said, check out a video and see if speaks to you. When they mention verses, go look them up and take note of the Bible translation they are using.

Also, look on Google maps for churches in your area. See if you can find one that aligns with your beliefs. If so, check out their website and see if they have a YouTube channel. Maybe you can check out the service before you go there?

Finally, if you do subscribe to some – set an alarm on your phone. Most churches do a Sunday service and a Wednesday night service. Set a reminder and carve out the time to watch the service, live if possible. After the pandemic, make a point to go in-person for the fellowship.


I took a similar approach to finding podcasts. In addition to looking for specific pastors or churches, in my area is Moody Radio – and they have many podcast channels available too, which are usually pretty good.

Again – try some out and find some that speak your language. If you don’t have a good feeling about it (that’s likely the Holy Spirit giving you a nudge), then move on. Also, read your Bible, look up the verses they discuss and read for yourself.


Like many, I installed the TikTok app just to see what the all of the fuss was. Without creating an account, I wandered through the content – most of it superficial. However, if you do a search for Christian, you will start seeing some Christian content. The more you watch, the more that ends up in your feed. So now, whenever I open the app, I almost exclusively get Christian TikTokers!

The benefit here is that sometimes you will run across inspirational content. Other things, you’ll hear things in a new light or get a good scripture reference. You go look up the reference and that sends you down a rabbit hole.

In short, the Christian content on TikTok can be inspirational and education, but you do have to “work the algorithm” to start seeing it.