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I’ve come to understand that we live in a fallen world where there is a very active battle going on between good and evil.

The good God who created this universe, matter, energy, physics – and specifically our training and testing area makes himself known to us. If we acknowledge our sinful nature, and accept that He sacrificed his only begotten son for us, then He freely offers us everlasting life. We are offered a literally, unimaginable afterlife. In addition to that, He also offers his Holy Spirit to dwell in us while we are here, to help us with the battles we’ve yet to fight.

Now that I know this to be true, I feel led to share this in the way that makes sense to me. I ran across a lot of pro-Christian material in my life that didn’t “speak my language”. So, the hope is that this information will speak to someone else, who needs to hear it in this way.

The purpose of this website is to give you the tools and basic information that you need to verify Christianity for yourself. I have found that this topic has been deeply explored by the brightest minds that have ever existed. Not only is the message amazingly good news, the case for the legitimacy of it is shockingly solid. I’m not suggesting you have blind faith. I’m telling you that I now know there is a shockingly solid case to be made for Christianity. Not only are there the facts and logic, the personal experiences one experiences seals the deal. You get to a place where you know.


Assuming this worldview is correct, I am now “saved“. However, what about loved-ones? What about friends? What about complete strangers that are otherwise good people trying to do right, but are just lost? It is literally my duty to try to plead my case to help give you the information you need to turn towards this truth.

The second, potentially unsettling fact is that if this information is correct, that means that what the Bible says is true. If what it says is true, we are definitely in the “end times” of the species – when this project, as we’ve known it, is wrapping up. That is really great news for believers, but really bad news for non-believers. Believers will be caught-up, snatched-up, “Raptured” away to safety (literally) before God pours out His wrath during the coming 7-year tribulation (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Non-believers left behind will have to live through that. There’s a bit more to this as you might imagine, but that’s the bottom line of it.

“People have been saying that for a thousand years!” you’ll say. True, but it hasn’t been until now that ALL of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation have been eerily lining up, and quickly.

If you are apathetic (don’t care), agnostic (think there isn’t enough information), or on the fence: NOW is the time to make this a priority. For your own sake, you really must figure it out once and for all what you believe. If you can be convinced that God is real, that should drastically change your life for the better.

Please take the time to start now!


We all come to this conclusion in different ways. For me, I couldn’t start with faith, I needed to start with the facts and the logic of the case. Was there really a man named Jesus, did all of those people really do those things in those places, did over 500 people claim to see Him raised from the dead – essentially proving His claims? If you need to have those questions answered solidly – please head over to Facts & Logic and dig into some of that reading. That IS the case for a single, personal creator God and Jesus Christ to be the only Truth. The evidence is beyond overwhelming. I would say it’s unreasonable for a person not to draw some conclusions, after seeing the evidence.

You can not-like the conclusion, or you can find it upsetting – but you can no longer make the claim that “there isn’t enough evidence” for the practical proof of God.

Again, this website is more aimed at people that need to start with the facts and logic. Some people come to God through a difficult time or illness, some when they just don’t have enough energy to go on. Whatever your path – please keep looking.

The search for these answers is a important and worthwhile pursuit.

Next Steps…

I think there are two pieces of value in this website:

  • I need answers: if you want to hear the formal case of all of the facts and logic that point to a single, personal, Creator God, and Christianity being the sole path to redemption, go read the books over in Facts & Logic.
  • I have answers. Now what? If you’ve come to the unavoidable conclusion and now need more information – go take a look at Resources which can hopefully address some of your questions.